Great Scott! Scott’s Addition Neighborhood

Scott’s Addition, named to commemorate Virginia-born, General Winfield Scott, is one of Richmond’s most recent neighborhoods to be added to the National Register of Historic Places (2005).

By Valentine Museum Staff
Large white building with a Bernie Sanders mural painted on the side and it says, "Feel the Bern"
Bernie Sanders mural, 2016, Mickael Broth, Style Weekly Collection, The Valentine

Scott’s Addition’s lush history of factories, homes, and store fronts, mirrors the the illustrious life of its namesake General Winfield Scott, who at one point owned the land that is present day Scott’s Addition.

General Winfield Scott is one of The United States’ most decorated and long serving Generals, serving under a range of Presidents that extended from Thomas Jefferson all the way through Abraham Lincoln.  He garnered recognition during the war of 1812 and would play a prominent role in the armed services for many of the years to come. By 1841, He was the General-in-Chief of the United States army. He led the US to victory along with other notable generals such as future President Zachary Taylor.

In his private life, Scott married Maria Mayo, daughter of prominent Richmond figure, Colonel John Mayo. It is through this marriage and John Mayo’s death that Winfield and Maria Scott inherited the land which would become Scott’s Addition. After Scott’s death in 1866 his children gained possession of the land, which was eventually acquired by the city of Richmond in 1914.

Raining at the intersection of W. Broad and Boulevard. A person crosses the street holding an umbrella and wearing a long raincoat.
Intersection of West Broad Street and the Boulevard on a rainy day, July 16, 1959, V.60.38.25,
Richmond Times-Dispatch Collection, The Valentine

After its annexation in 1914, Scott’s Addition began creating residences that were generally lower income homes. The neighborhoods of Scott’s Addition reflected the landscape, working class families for a working class district of industry and commercial factories. These factories as well as the neighborhood were ever changing, coming and going, but there was always growth. Such examples include the National Biscuit Company (NABISCO) and Coca Cola factories each once located within Scott’s Addition.

Street with cars parked on both sides. Houses sit close to the street and there is a sidewalk.
Moore Street in Scott’s Addition, 1988, Bob Brown, V.89.192.231, Richmond Times-Dispatch Collection, The Valentine
Man standing with a hard hat on with his arm on top of a machine.
John Bowen, Nabisco Plant Manager (inside factory), 1973, V.85.37.300, Richmond Newspapers Inc., The Valentine

Today, Scott’s Addition utilizes its history to shape its future. The neighborhood is growing every day. With the additions of restaurants, breweries, newly renovated apartments (made from some of the warehouses and factories of the past) as well as various businesses Scott’s Addition has become an attractive neighborhood for future Richmonders.


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Authors Valentine Museum Staff
Work Title Great Scott! Scott’s Addition Neighborhood
Published August 30, 2024
Updated August 30, 2024
Copyright © 2025 The Valentine Museum