Controversy/History – Beyond the Information Age: Supporting Truth-Based Media
Envision the future with the Valentine during our 11th year of Controversy / History.
What can history tell us about our future? Given that our present has been profoundly influenced by the past, how can we purposefully shape the world of tomorrow?
In January of 2024, the Valentine will open a new exhibition, “Sculpting History,” which explores the myth of the Lost Cause through the lens of power. In this season of Controversy/History, we’ll explore the future of the big themes introduced in this new exhibition- education, violence, politics, religion and media – and consider the ideas and institutions of the past that still shape our community today. Join us as we imagine a fresh future grounded in a commitment to seeking truth, building community and serving the greater good. How can we create a future for Richmond that creates greater opportunity for all?
Join us on February 13th for “Controversy/History – Beyond the Information Age: Supporting Truth-Based Media.” This community conversation will address the history of media, and how it’s been used both to perpetuate bias and conversely, spread truth. Our panel, featuring digital and print professionals, will share their visions for a more equitable future in news coverage.
Karri Peifer, Axios
Ross Catrow, Good Morning RVA
Michael Paul Williams, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Macaulay Hammond, Style Weekly
Explore the new Sculpting History exhibit opening at 5:30, with the panel discussion beginning at 6 pm. This is not one to miss!
Controversy/History is co-hosted by Valentine Director Bill Martin, Kelli Lemon (of the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Virginia Video Network), and “Sculpting History” co-curator Josh Epperson. Each event will feature a diverse panel of thought leaders carefully selected to address the specific subject matter. Attendees can look forward to interactive discussions, lively debates, and the chance to have their voices heard in the conversations that matter most to our community’s past, present, and future.