Sculpting History Media Wall

Sculpting History Bust Wall Map

Sculpting History Media Project Image Credits

Heidi Abbott

Anderson & Company

David H. Anderson

Richard N. Anderson, Jr.

Edyth Carter Beveridge

Richard L. Bland

Bob Brown, Richmond Times-Dispatch

Cook Collection, The Valentine

Carol Highsmith

Detroit Publishing Co.

Theodor Horydczak

David Kenedy

Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division

Library of Virginia

Carl Lynn, Richmond Times-Dispatch

John Margolies

M. Miley & Son

Amir Pishdad, Richmond Times-Dispatch

Richmond Chamber of Commerce Photograph Collection, The Valentine

Richmond Times-Dispatch Photograph Collection, The Valentine

Sosa (New Orleans, La.)

Underwood & Underwood

Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries

Scott Vrana

Wikimedia User mk17b

Robert Winthrop