Waiting room in Broad Street Train Station. Two large ionic columns and four long wooden benches. A globe hangs above and the ceiling is tall.
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Broad Street Train Station

Broad Street Train Station was designed by John Russell Pope, who also created designs for the Branch House on Monument Avenue and the Jefferson Memorial, National Gallery of Art, and National Archives in Washington, D.C.

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Civil War Diary

Diary entry from an unknown woman living in Richmond during the Civil War.

Portrait of Dr. James McClurg with a golden frame. He is wearing a black coat with a high collared shirt tied around his neck. He is predmoniately bald with deep set eyes.
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Dr. James McClurg: Richmond History Maker

Doctor James McClurg, Elizabeth Wickham's father, left the Constitutional Convention without signing the final document.

old fly swatter
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Sarah, The Fly Swatter

Thousands of dead flies were sent to the Richmond City Health Department in 1912.