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Handbill announcing a party to celebrate the torch coming through Richmond on the night of June 21, 1996.
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Richmond and the Olympic Torch

Are you surprised that Richmond has an Olympic history? It does! In 1996, the Olympic torch passed through and even spent the night here, on its way to Atlanta. 

Edward Valentine reading in his studio surrounded by tools, papers, and a workbench with an artist’s mannequin sitting on top.
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Essay: Edward Valentine’s Life and Career

An in-depth look at Edward Valentine's artistic and museum pursuits.

Portrait of the artist Edward V. Valentine as middle-aged man; face is oriented three-quarters to left; dark gray jacket, full bow tie, blue with white polka-dots; brown eyes; hair is center parted, almost white, gray mustache and long narrow goatee; gray background.
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Edward V. Valentine

A Quick Look: Edward Virginius Valentine was a sculptor and former president of the Valentine Museum. His art spread the Lost Cause myth created after the Civil War.

Waiting room in Broad Street Train Station. Two large ionic columns and four long wooden benches. A globe hangs above and the ceiling is tall.
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Broad Street Train Station

Broad Street Train Station was designed by John Russell Pope, who also created designs for the Branch House on Monument Avenue and the Jefferson Memorial, National Gallery of Art, and National Archives in Washington, D.C.